Journalist/developer. Storytelling developer @ USA Today Network. Builder of @HomicideWatch. Sinophile for fun. Past: @frontlinepbs @WBUR, @NPR, @NewsHour.
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‘The data on extreme human ageing is rotten from the inside out’ – Ig Nobel winner Saul Justin Newman


From the swimming habits of dead trout to the revelation that some mammals can breathe through their backsides, a group of leading leftfield scientists have been taking their bows at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology for the 34th annual Ig Nobel Prize ceremony. Not to be confused with the actual Nobel prizes, the Ig Nobels recognise scientific discoveries that “make people laugh, then think”.

We caught up with one of this year’s winners, Saul Justin Newman, a senior research fellow at the University College London Centre for Longitudinal Studies. His research finds that most of the claims about people living over 105 are wrong.

How did you find out about your award?

I picked up the phone after slogging through traffic and rain to a bloke from Cambridge in the UK. He told me about this prize and the first thing I thought of was the lady who collected snot off of whales and the levitating frog. I said, “absolutely I want to be in this club”.

What was the ceremony like?

The ceremony was wonderful. It’s a bit of fun in a big fancy hall. It’s like you take the most serious ceremony possible and make fun of every aspect of it.

But your work is actually incredibly serious?

I started getting interested in this topic when I debunked a couple of papers in Nature and Science about extreme ageing in the 2010s. In general, the claims about how long people are living mostly don’t stack up. I’ve tracked down 80% of the people aged over 110 in the world (the other 20% are from countries you can’t meaningfully analyse). Of those, almost none have a birth certificate. In the US there are over 500 of these people; seven have a birth certificate. Even worse, only about 10% have a death certificate.

The epitome of this is blue zones, which are regions where people supposedly reach age 100 at a remarkable rate. For almost 20 years, they have been marketed to the public. They’re the subject of tons of scientific work, a popular Netflix documentary, tons of cookbooks about things like the Mediterranean diet, and so on.

Okinawa in Japan is one of these zones. There was a Japanese government review in 2010, which found that 82% of the people aged over 100 in Japan turned out to be dead. The secret to living to 110 was, don’t register your death.

The Japanese government has run one of the largest nutritional surveys in the world, dating back to 1975. From then until now, Okinawa has had the worst health in Japan. They’ve eaten the least vegetables; they’ve been extremely heavy drinkers.

What about other places?

The same goes for all the other blue zones. Eurostat keeps track of life expectancy in Sardinia, the Italian blue zone, and Ikaria in Greece. When the agency first started keeping records in 1990, Sardinia had the 51st highest old-age life expectancy in Europe out of 128 regions, and Ikaria was 109th. It’s amazing the cognitive dissonance going on. With the Greeks, by my estimates at least 72% of centenarians were dead, missing or essentially pension-fraud cases.

What do you think explains most of the faulty data?

It varies. In Okinawa, the best predictor of where the centenarians are is where the halls of records were bombed by the Americans during the war. That’s for two reasons. If the person dies, they stay on the books of some other national registry, which hasn’t confirmed their death. Or if they live, they go to an occupying government that doesn’t speak their language, works on a different calendar and screws up their age.

According to the Greek minister that hands out the pensions, over 9,000 people over the age of 100 are dead and collecting a pension at the same time. In Italy, some 30,000 “living” pension recipients were found to be dead in 1997.

Regions where people most often reach 100-110 years old are the ones where there’s the most pressure to commit pension fraud, and they also have the worst records. For example, the best place to reach 105 in England is Tower Hamlets. It has more 105-year-olds than all of the rich places in England put together. It’s closely followed by downtown Manchester, Liverpool and Hull. Yet these places have the lowest frequency of 90-year-olds and are rated by the UK as the worst places to be an old person.

The oldest man in the world, John Tinniswood, supposedly aged 112, is from a very rough part of Liverpool. The easiest explanation is that someone has written down his age wrong at some point.

But most people don’t lose count of their age…

You would be amazed. Looking at the UK Biobank data, even people in mid-life routinely don’t remember how old they are, or how old they were when they had their children. There are similar stats from the US.

What does this all mean for human longevity?

The question is so obscured by fraud and error and wishful thinking that we just do not know. The clear way out of this is to involve physicists to develop a measure of human age that doesn’t depend on documents. We can then use that to build metrics that help us measure human ages.

Longevity data are used for projections of future lifespans, and those are used to set everyone’s pension rate. You’re talking about trillions of dollars of pension money. If the data is junk then so are those projections. It also means we’re allocating the wrong amounts of money to plan hospitals to take care of old people in the future. Your insurance premiums are based on this stuff.

What’s your best guess about true human longevity?

Longevity is very likely tied to wealth. Rich people do lots of exercise, have low stress and eat well. I just put out a preprint analysing the last 72 years of UN data on mortality. The places consistently reaching 100 at the highest rates according to the UN are Thailand, Malawi, Western Sahara (which doesn’t have a government) and Puerto Rico, where birth certificates were cancelled completely as a legal document in 2010 because they were so full of pension fraud. This data is just rotten from the inside out.

Do you think the Ig Nobel will get your science taken more seriously?

I hope so. But even if not, at least the general public will laugh and think about it, even if the scientific community is still a bit prickly and defensive. If they don’t acknowledge their errors in my lifetime, I guess I’ll just get someone to pretend I’m still alive until that changes.

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3 hours ago
Boston, MA
4 days ago
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When is a Minicar as Dangerous as a 3-Ton Truck?

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Theft Prevention is a Safety Feature

Last week I got nerd-sniped by a Hacker News link to an IIHS post on death rates by vehicle model. The IIHS report, from 2023, featured a table ranking cars by their rate of ‘other-driver deaths’, or how often a specific model kills the driver of a vehicle they crash into.

Mixed in with the usual giant trucks were a smattering of tiny Kias:

IIHS reported other-driver death rates

The size difference between these cars is massive – a Kia Rio is less than half the unladen weight of a Ram 2500 Crew Cab, nearly 2 tons lighter! How are these compact cars killing others at a similar rate to our largest trucks?

To dig in, I grabbed the IIHS data and the weights of each model and plotted them:

Data Source: IIHS, Auto Evolution

Deaths per million registered vehicle years, 2020 & equivalent earlier models, 2018-21. Bubble size represents curb weight.

With the data visualized, three key narratives emerged:

  1. Big trucks kill others. The blue points above show large trucks are much more likely to kill the passengers in the cars they hit while keeping their occupants relatively safe. Size is the dominant factor here, with smaller trucks producing figures in line with overall averages.
  2. Dodge Chargers are a unique danger to their drivers and others: The headline of the original IIHS piece is a bit misleading. “American muscle cars with high horsepower and a hot rod image rank among the deadliest vehicles on the road,” should perhaps have been written to focus on the Dodge Charger specifically (and, arguably, the Dodge Challenger). Mustangs and Cameros both rank in the top-20 for driver deaths, but neither rank for other-driver deaths. Chargers are unique outliers as a threat to themselves and others.
  3. Kias break the rules. They’re not big, they’re not fast, but the tiny Optima, Ria, and Forte cluster alongside the Chargers. The Rio and Forte rank in the top 20 for driver and other-driver death rates – with the Optima ranking 21st and 5th for driver and other-driver deaths, respectively.

The issue here isn’t the structural safety of the car. The 2020 Kia Optima has a 5-star crash rating for every metric measured by the NHTSA, matching the similarly classed Honda Accord and Camry.

No, the issue here is how easy it is to steal Kias, thanks to the company’s omission of immobilizers in models manufactured between 2011 and 2021.

Immobilizers are security devices that prevent a car from starting without a transponder or smart key. A 2016 study found that immobilisers, “lowered the overall rate of car theft by about 40% between 1995 and 2008.”

But then Kia left them out:

Aaron Gordon, writing for Vice in 2023, spelling out the impact in Chicago:

The scale of the Kia and Hyundai theft problem is astounding. In Chicago, during the “old normal” days prior to the summer of 2022, six to eight percent of all stolen cars were Kias or Hyundais, according to data obtained by Motherboard. This was in line with how many Kias and Hyundais were on Chicago’s roads, according to the lawsuit Chicago filed against Kia and Hyundai. Then, in June 2022, the percentage of stolen cars that were Kias and Hyundais edged up to 11 percent. In July, it more than doubled to 25 percent. By November, it had almost doubled again, to 48 percent. Through August 2023, the most recent month for which Motherboard has data, 35 percent of the 19,448 stolen cars in Chicago have been Kias or Hyundais.

The red line in the chart above is Milwaukee, MN, where bored kids first discovered the cars could be stolen with a screwdriver and USB cable. Eventually, they started posting their joyrides to TikTok, YouTube, and Snap. Right around May 2022 – when Tommy G posted his viral documentary about “Kia Boys” on YouTube – the phenomenon bubbled up above the local Milwaukee subculture and spread to other markets.

A software update shipped in 2023 cut theft rates by more than half – among those cars that had the update applied. My city’s police department even mailed letters to local Kia owners, encouraging them to take action:

The Alameda Police Department's letter to Kia and Hyundai owners

By July 2024, Kia reported ~60% of eligible vehicles had been addressed.

So when is a minicar as dangerous as a 3-ton truck? When it’s easy to steal. Kia’s omission of immobilizers was a poor design choice with unexpected, catastrophic, downstream effects. We can see the story clearly in the data: from crash tests scores to theft rates and, ultimately, fatality figures.

Hyundai and Kia have already settled a national class action lawsuit for $200 million, but new suits filed by cities continue to roll in.

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14 hours ago
Boston, MA
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Am I blue?

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September 17, 2024 at 12:23 PM by Dr. Drang

The popular “Is my blue your blue” game is questionable as a test of color perception, in that monitor settings and lighting conditions differ, but it presents its results in a way that I really like.

The game fills your screen with a series of colors along a blue-green spectrum and asks you whether the displayed color is blue or green. The colors get closer together as the game proceeds until it has enough answers to tell you the boundary between your ideas blue and green. If you’re like me, the last few colors should all have been answered “neither,” but that’s not a choice. The idea is to insist on a binary choice and find your boundary between the two.

I played it yesterday on my iPhone and got these results:

Blue-green cumulative distribution function

What I like about the graph is that it’s both clever and self-explanatory. When you look at it, these are the things you know immediately:

  1. The horizontal axes represents the hue, which has been spread across the entire background of the graph. This is a much better way of presenting the hue than using a value.
  2. Your threshold between green and blue is the dashed vertical line. This comes from both the graph and the text below it.
  3. The vertical axis represents the fraction (or percentage) of people who categorized all colors to the left of the given color as blue. We know that because the jagged S-shaped curve, called the “threshold distribution” in the little legend at the bottom right corner, starts out low at the green end and runs up to the top as it moves toward the blue end. Also, the text says my boundary was at the 57% mark, and the vertical line intersects the jagged curve somewhat above the center of the graph.

Those of us who remember our probability and statistics class would call the jagged curve the cumulative distribution function (CDF) of the population’s blue/green threshold. But you don’t need to know this to figure out what the jagged curve means. I assume that the “population” in this case is the people who’ve played the game and that the CDF curve gets updated with every play.

So what we have is a game that presents statistical information at a glance without any long-winded explanation.1 The only improvements I would make are:

  • Replace the hue value (173) in the text with a square filled with my threshold color, paralleling what’s done with turquoise. Hue values weren’t used in the game or along the horizontal axis; there’s no need for them in the results text.
  • Make the “threshold distribution” line in the legend the same thickness as the CDF. It shouldn’t be the same thickness as the dashed vertical line.

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1 day ago
Boston, MA
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Let’s build and optimize a Rust extension for Python

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If your Python code isn’t fast enough, you have many options for compiled languages to write a faster extension. In this article we’ll focus on Rust, which benefits from:

  • Modern tooling, including a package repository called, and built-in build tool (cargo).
  • Excellent Python integration and tooling. The Rust package (they’re known as “crates”) for Python support is PyO3. For packaging you can use setuptools-rust, for integration with existing setuptools projects, or for standalone extensions you can use Maturin.
  • Memory- and thread-safe, so it’s much less prone to crashes or memory corruption compared to C and C++.

In particular, we’ll:

  • Implement a small algorithm in Python.
  • Re-implement it as a Rust extension.
  • Optimize the Rust version so it runs faster.

Counting unique values, the approximate way

As a motivating example, we’re going to look at the task of counting how many unique values there are in a list. If we want to get an exact answer, this is very easy to implement:

def count_exact(items):
    return len(set(items))

A set() can only contain an item once, so this de-duplicates all items and then counts them.

The problem with this solution is memory usage. If we have 10,000,000 unique values, we’ll create a set with 10,000,000 entries in it, which will use quite a lot of memory.

So if we worry about memory usage, we can use a probabilistic algorithm that gives us an approximate answer. In many situations this will be good enough, and it can use a lot less memory. We’ll be using a very simple algorithm by Chakraborty, Vinodchandran, and Meel:

import random
import math

# Implementation of <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
def count_approx_python(items, epsilon=0.5, delta=0.001):
    # Will be used to scale tracked_items upwards:
    p = 1
    # Items we're currently tracking, limited in length:
    tracked_items = set()
    # Max length of tracked_items:
    max_tracked = round(
        ((12 / (epsilon ** 2)) *
        math.log2(8 * len(items) / delta)
    for item in items:
        if random.random() < p:
        if len(tracked_items) == max_tracked:
            # Drop tracked values with 50% probability.
            # Every item in tracked_items now implies the
            # final length is twice as large.
            tracked_items = {
                item for item in tracked_items
                if random.random() < 0.5
            p /= 2
            if len(tracked_items) == 0:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "we got unlucky, no answer"
    return int(round(len(tracked_items) / p))

Running an example

Let’s look at an example set of words:

WORDS = [str(i) for i in range(100_000)] * 100

We have 100,000 distinct words, which means count_exact() will create a set of size 100,000. Meanwhile, count_approx() will have a set of size 1739. It ends up having two sets at a time occasionally, but it will still use only 3% as much memory as the accurate algorithm.

We can compare the results:

print("EXACT", count_exact(WORDS))
print("APPROX", count_approx_python(WORDS))

I ran this three times in a row, and got:

EXACT 100000
APPROX 99712

EXACT 100000
APPROX 99072

EXACT 100000
APPROX 100864

The approximate version varies, but it’s pretty close—while using much less memory.

A speed comparison

We can compare the speed of the two implementations:

def timeit(f, *args, **kwargs):
    start = time.time()
    for _ in range(10):
        f(*args, **kwargs)
    print(f.__name__, (time.time() - start) / 10)

timeit(count_exact, WORDS, "seconds")
timeit(count_approx_python, WORDS, "seconds")

This gives us:

count_exact 0.14 seconds
count_approx_python 0.78 seconds

Our new function uses less memory, but it’s 5× slower. Let’s see if we can speed up count_approx_python() by rewriting it in Rust.

Going faster: Creating our Rust project

Using the Maturin Python packaging tool, we can create a new Rust Python extension very quickly, and using PyO3 we can easily interact with Python objects.

1. Initializing the project with Maturin

You can pipx or pip install maturin, and then you can use Maturin to initialize a whole new PyO3-based project:

$ maturin new rust_count_approx
✔ 🤷 Which kind of bindings to use?
  📖 Documentation: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> · pyo3
  ✨ Done! New project created rust_count_approx
$ cd rust_count_approx/

This creates all the files we need for a basic Rust-based Python package:

$ tree
├── Cargo.lock
├── Cargo.toml
├── pyproject.toml
└── src

We can pip install the package right from the start, no further setup needed:

$ pip install .
Successfully installed rust_count_approx-0.1.0

2. Adding dependencies

Rust doesn’t include a built-in random number generation library, so we will add a third-party crate (Rust jargon for an installable package) using Rust’s build/package manager cargo:

$ cargo add rand
    Updating index
      Adding rand v0.8.5 to dependencies
             + alloc
             + getrandom
             + libc
             + rand_chacha
             + std
             + std_rng
             - log
             - min_const_gen
             - nightly
             - packed_simd
             - serde
             - serde1
             - simd_support
             - small_rng

This updates the Cargo.toml file that among other things lists the Rust dependencies required to build our code. The relevant section now looks like this:

pyo3 = "0.22.0"
rand = "0.8.5"

The pyo3 dependency was added automatically by Maturin when we initialized the project template.

The features list in the command output are flags that can be enabled at compile time to add more functionality; we’ll be using one later one.

3. A first Rust version

Now, we need to update the Rust code in src/ to implement our function:

use pyo3::exceptions::PyRuntimeError;
use pyo3::prelude::*;
use pyo3::types::{PySequence, PySet};
use rand::random;

#[pyo3(signature = (items, epsilon=0.5, delta=0.001))]
fn count_approx_rust(
    py: Python<'_>,
    items: &Bound<PySequence>,
    epsilon: f64,
    delta: f64,
) -> PyResult<u64> {
    let mut p = 1.0;
    let mut tracked_items = PySet::empty_bound(py)?;
    let max_tracked =
        ((12.0 / epsilon.powi(2)) *
         (8.0 * (items.len()? as f64) / delta).log2()
        ).round() as usize;
    // In future versions of PyO3 iter() will be
    // renamed to try_iter():
    for item in items.iter()? {
        let item = item?;
        if random::<f64>() < p {
        if tracked_items.len() == max_tracked {
            let mut temp_tracked_items =
            for subitem in tracked_items.iter() {
                if random::<f64>() < 0.5 {
            tracked_items = temp_tracked_items;
            p /= 2.0;
            if tracked_items.len() == 0 {
                return Err(PyRuntimeError::new_err(
                    "we got unlucky, no answer"
    Ok((tracked_items.len() as f64 / p).round() as u64)

// Expose the function above via an importable Python
// extension.
fn rust_count_approx(
    m: &Bound<'_, PyModule>
) -> PyResult<()> {
        wrap_pyfunction!(count_approx_rust, m)?

4. Measuring performance

How does our new version compare as far as speed goes?

First, we install our new package:

Now we can import our new function from Python code and measure its speed:

from rust_count_approx import count_approx_rust

# See above for definition of WORDS and timeit():
timeit(count_approx_rust, WORDS)

Here’s how the new version compares:

Version Elapsed seconds
Python 0.78
Rust (naive) 0.37

It’s twice as fast. Why isn’t it faster?

This is logically the exact same code as the Python implementation, just implemented in Rust and a little more verbosely. We’re still interacting with Python objects in the same way, iterating over a Python list, and extensively interacting with a Python set. So that part of the code isn’t going to run any differently.

Let’s go faster, part 2: Optimizing the Rust code

Next we’re going to optimize our code in four different ways, all of which I measured separately as improving the performance.

Optimization 1: Link-time optimization

First, we’re going to enable link-time optimization, where the Rust compiler optimizes the code much later in the compilation process, during linking. This means slower compilation, but typically results in faster-running code. We do this by adding the following to Cargo.toml:

lto = true

Optimizations 2 and 3: Faster random number generation

We also switch from using rand::random(), which uses a thread-local random number generator (RNG), to a RNG we manage ourselves, removing the overhead of thread-local lookups.

At the same time, we switch to using a faster RNG than the default one, the “small” RNG; it’s not quite as secure against hash denial-of-service attacks, but for our purposes that’s probably fine. To do this we add the smallrng feature to the rand crate in Cargo.toml:

pyo3 = "0.22.0"
rand = {version = "0.8.5", features = ["small_rng"]}

And we’ll need to modify the code, which we’ll see below.

Optimization 4: Store hashes only

Finally, we switch from storing the Python objects in a Python-based set to storing just the hash of the Python object, as calculated by obj.__hash__(). What happens if two objects hash to the same value? The result will be off by one.

We’re already using a probabilistic function, so we’re already OK with slightly wrong results. Clashes should be rare, and having them very rarely be off by one shouldn’t matter if we have many unique values; 99712 isn’t particular more wrong than 99713.

Since we’re no longer storing Python objects, we can switch to using Rust’s std::collections::HashSet, which has some nicer APIs and may be a bit faster. However, the Rust HashSet will want to hash the values… and we don’t want to hash them again, they’re already pre-hashed.

To avoid double-hashing, we also add the Rust crate nohash_hasher:

$ cargo add nohash_hasher

This will allow us to use a Rust-based HashSet that assumes the values it stores are already hashes and can be used in the HashSet as is, without further hashing. The Cargo.toml dependencies section now looks like this:

nohash-hasher = "0.2.0"
pyo3 = "0.22.0"
rand = {version = "0.8.5", features = ["small_rng"]}

We will also need to update our code to use this, as we’ll see next.

Our new code, with all 4 optimizations

Here’s our updated code:

use pyo3::exceptions::PyRuntimeError;
use pyo3::prelude::*;
use pyo3::types::PySequence;
use rand::{rngs::SmallRng, SeedableRng, Rng};
use nohash_hasher::IntSet;

#[pyo3(signature = (items, epsilon=0.5, delta=0.001))]
fn count_approx_rust(
    py: Python<'_>,
    items: &Bound<PySequence>,
    epsilon: f64,
    delta: f64,
) -> PyResult<u64> {
    let mut p = 1.0;
    // Use a set that stores integer values that are assumed
    // to be hashes themselves:
    let mut tracked_items = IntSet::default();
    // Use an RNG we manage ourselves, specifically SmallRng
    // which is faster than the default rng that the rand
    // crate uses:
    let mut rng = SmallRng::from_entropy();
    // Create a closure, similar to a Python lambda:
    let mut random = || rng.gen::<f64>();
    let max_tracked =
        ((12.0 / epsilon.powi(2)) *
         (8.0 * (items.len()? as f64) / delta).log2()
        ).round() as usize;
    for item in items.iter()? {
        // Instead of storing the item, we store its
        // Python-calculated hash (the output of __hash__):
        let hash = item?.hash()?;
        if random() < p {
        if tracked_items.len() == max_tracked {
            tracked_items.retain(|_| random() < 0.5);
            p /= 2.0;
            if tracked_items.len() == 0 {
                return Err(PyRuntimeError::new_err(
                    "we got unlucky, no answer"
    Ok((tracked_items.len() as f64 / p).round() as u64)

Again, we can install our updated version by doing:

Here’s how long our optimized version takes to run in comparison to previous versions:

Version Elapsed seconds
Python 0.78
Rust (naive) 0.37
Rust (optimized) 0.21

Why this isn’t faster, and additional ideas

Why isn’t the Rust code even faster? Our latest optimized version still interacts with a Python list, namely items, and uses Python’s __hash__ API to hash every object. Which means we’re still limited to Python APIs’ speed for those two interactions. If we passed in items as an Arrow column, or a NumPy array of integers, we could probably run that much faster.

More broadly, if we wanted to go even faster, we should also consider using a different algorithm. There are many approximate counting algorithms, and I only picked this one because it was simple and easy to understand, not because it was necessarily particularly fast.

The big picture: Why Rust?

Rust allows us to speed our code by giving us access to a compiled language. But that’s true of C or C++ or Cython.

Unlike those languages, however, Rust has modern tooling, with a built-in package manager and build system:

  • Adding a new dependency is as easy as cargo add <cratename>. A good site to browse available crates is
  • Less visible, but still important: this code will compile on macOS and Windows with no additional work. In contrast, managing C or C++ dependencies across platforms can be very painful.

Rust also has excellent Python integration, with high-level access to Python APIs and easy to use packaging tools like Maturin.

Rust scales both to small projects—as in this article—and to much larger projects, thanks to memory- and thread-safety and to its powerful type system. The Polars project has a generic Rust core of 330K lines, which is then wrapped with more Rust and Python to make a Python extension.

Next time you’re considering speeding up some Python code, give Rust a try. It’s not a simple language, but it’s well worth your time to learn.

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3 days ago
Boston, MA
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Neither Elon Musk Nor Anybody Else Will Ever Colonize Mars | Defector

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Mars does not have a magnetosphere. Any discussion of humans ever settling the red planet can stop right there, but of course it never does. Do you have a low-cost plan for, uh, creating a gigantic active dynamo at Mars's dead core? No? Well. It's fine. I'm sure you have some other workable, sustainable plan for shielding live Mars inhabitants from deadly solar and cosmic radiation, forever. No? Huh. Well then let's discuss something else equally realistic, like your plan to build a condo complex in Middle Earth.

OK, so you still want to talk about Mars. Fine. Let's imagine that Mars's lack of a magnetic field somehow is not an issue. Would you like to try to simulate what life on Mars would be like? Step one is to clear out your freezer. Step two is to lock yourself inside of it. (You can bring your phone, if you like!) When you get desperately hungry, your loved ones on the outside may deliver some food to you no sooner than nine months after you ask for it. This nine-month wait will also apply when you start banging on the inside of the freezer, begging to be let out.

Congratulations: You have now simulated—you have now died, horribly, within a day or two, while simulating—what life on Mars might be like, once you solve the problem of it not having even one gasp worth of breathable air, anywhere on the entire planet. We will never live on Mars.

Let's discuss the breathable-air problem. Earth's atmosphere is rich with oxygen due in large part to all of the green plants photosynthesizing here. We got green plants out the ass. Some people have the idea that making Mars's atmosphere breathable is as simple as introducing some green plants to it: They will eat up sunlight and produce oxygen, and then people can breathe it. That is uhhhhh the circle of life (?) or whatever. They call this idea "terraforming."

At this point in our discussion I must acquaint you with two dear friends of mine. Their names are The South Pole, and The Summit Of Mount Everest.

The South Pole is around 2,800 meters above sea level, and like everywhere else on Earth around 44 million miles closer to the sun than any point on Mars. It sits deep down inside the nutritious atmosphere of a planet teeming with native life. Compared to the very most hospitable place on Mars it is an unimaginably fertile Eden. Here is a list of the plant-life that grows there: Nothing. Here is a list of all the animals that reproduce there: None.

Even with all the profound advantages the South Pole enjoys compared to Mars, even on a planet where living things have spent billions and billions of years figuring out how to adapt to and thrive within an incredibly diverse array of biomes—on a planet where giant tubeworms the size of NBA basket stanchions have colonized lightless ocean depths at which a human would be crushed like a grape under a piano—the South Pole simply cannot support complex life. It is too cold, and its relationship with sunlight too erratic, for living things to sustain themselves there. On astronomical scales it is for all practical purposes in the exact same spot as some of the most life-rich and biodiverse places in the known universe, and yet no species has established a permanent self-sustaining population there. Ever.

The summit of Mount Everest is around 8,800 meters above sea level, squarely within those balmy Earth latitudes that get nice long sunlit days all year round. Compared to anyplace on Mars, it is the very womb of God. No plant life grows there. No animals live there.

Even with steady year-round subtropical sunlight, even with conditions infinitely more nurturing than those found anywhere on Mars, the summit of Mount Everest cannot support complex life. It's too cold; the air is too thin; there is no liquid water for plants and animals to drink. Standing on the top of Mount Everest, a person can literally look at places where plants and animals happily grow and live and reproduce, yet no species has established a permanent self-sustaining population on the upper slopes of Everest. Even microbes avoid it.

Life on earth writ large, the grand network of life, is a greater and more dynamic terraforming engine than any person could ever conceive. It has been operating ceaselessly for several billions of years. It has not yet terraformed the South Pole or the summit of Mount Everest. On what type of timeframe were you imagining that the shoebox of lichen you send to Mars was going to transform Frozen Airless Radioactive Desert Hell into a place where people could grow wheat?

People have this idea that life is like some kind of magical force; that the reason Mars does not have life is that life has not yet gone there; that once life goes to a place, then it just figures out how to go on living there. This, I think, is a consequence of more people having gotten their science education from the movie character Ian Malcolm than from actual science classes. More generously, it is a testament to humans having formulated nearly all of their ideas about the nature of life from the absolute easiest (and only known) place to have life.

In any case Malcolm was exactly, precisely wrong when he said "Life ... [Jeff Goldblum stammering] ... finds a way." Sure, yes, when "life" is "bacteria" and the challenge before it is how to propagate inside of my house, yes: In that case, life finds a way. In the bigger picture, no, life does not find a way. It has not found a way, even at the prokaryotic level, anywhere else humans have figured out how to look, except here on Earth.

Finding ourselves on this lush, beautiful, abundant planet is not some testament to the ingenuity and resourcefulness of life. Nor is it a coincidence. This is where life could happen; we are here because this is where we could be. Even here, even where things were as comfortably laid out as our brightest minds could ever imagine, it took billions of years, reproductions beyond counting, before any individual life got advanced enough to think something as silly as "Hey, let's go live on Mars."

Humankind will never establish a permanent human settlement on Mars. Ever. Moreover there is no need to try to come up with some way to build one there.

The doomsday scenarios that science-fiction writers—and their contemptible counterparts, futurists—have imagined would necessitate an escape from Earth can be broken down into two categories. First there are the ones that would not come close to making Earth as hellish and inhospitable as Mars. These include global nuclear wars, food-chain collapses, extermination-level pandemics, and eugenic boogeymen like "overpopulation." None of these present a scenario in which Earth all at once completely ceases having breathable oxygen, for example, or suddenly no longer enjoys a magnetosphere. In the aftermath of even the worst of these scenarios, if you were picking one of the two planets to engineer into habitability, the Earth would remain the infinitely superior option. For planning purposes, the planet to prepare for use as a base of survival in an apocalyptic event is the one where you're reading this blog.

Second are the scenarios that are not even worth considering. These are your planet-destroying asteroid strikes. Let's be optimistic and generous and say that, over the course of 500,000 years of species-wide concerted effort that would more than exhaust the resources of the planet where we already live, Mars could be "terraformed" into a place where a permanent human settlement could eke out a horrible nightmare of a sustainable existence for a while, pointlessly, telling each other sad stories of what it was like to live in the endless biodiversity and beauty of the world Mars's loser inhabitants ruined for the cause of abandoning it. OK great. Truly a beautiful dream you got there. Unfortunately it only makes sense if you can anticipate a planet-destroying asteroid strike 500,001 years ahead of time, but also cannot avert or mitigate it in any other way. Otherwise you are simply rolling the dice that the planet-destroying asteroid strike will not happen at any time in the interim, while you busy yourself rendering the Earth uninhabitable for the sake of leaving it for someplace even worse.

But more importantly: There is no scenario in which humans can try to colonize Mars and also survive on Earth long enough to go live in that colony! I am sorry to be the Bad News Guy here. But there you have it: The effort to colonize Mars will help ensure nobody survives long enough to live in that colony. That makes the idea of trying to build that colony morally reprehensible.

In these latter days everybody is familiar with concepts like the carbon footprint, sustainability, and the like. Measures of the ecological cost of the things we do. One of the most irksome problems bedeviling Earth's biosphere at present is the outrageous cost of many aspects of many human lifestyles. Society is gradually and too late awakening to, for example, the reality that there is an inexcusable, untenable cost to shipping coffee beans all around the world from the relatively narrow belt in which they grow so that everybody can have a hot cup o' joe every morning. Or that the planet is being heated and poisoned by people's expectation of cheap steaks and year-round tomatoes and a new iPhone every year, and that as a consequence its water-cycle and weather systems are unraveling. Smearing the natural world flat and pouring toxic waste across it so that every American can drive a huge car from their too-large air-conditioned freestanding single-family home to every single other place they might choose to go turns out to be incompatible with the needs of basically all the other life we've ever detected in the observable universe. Whoops!

All of what makes, say, the lifestyle of your average McMansion owner in Ashburn, Va. anathema to life, writ large, applies a billionfold to each person in a theoretical Mars colony. Their carbon footprints would be the size of entire nations, by the time they even pressed the first normal human-sized actual footprint into the red planet's sterile frozen regolith. Shipping a pound of coffee from the Bean Belt to Connecticut is nothing at all compared to shipping flour to goddamn Mars.

This is only part of why that other spooky doomsday scenario, the sun's inevitable expansion and consumption of the Earth, is also not worth considering as a reason to plan a Martian relocation. That is not even going to appreciably begin happening for something like four billion more years. That is such an incredibly long time from now, buddy! The human race has only existed for something like 300,000 years. Four billion years is 13 thousand times as long as that. Four billion years ago, the Earth was a largely molten volcanic blob with no life more complex than microorganisms on it. Another 3.75 billion years elapsed before the first dinosaurs showed up. You could fit the entire lifespan of humanity (so far) 216 times over—just into the gap between when the dinosaurs all died out and when humanity first shows up in the fossil record.

You see where I am going with this. Spoiler alert! There will not be any human beings around when Sun Get Large even begins to become a problem. Planning around this issue is like some primordial amoeba trying to score some choice oceanfront Pangaean real estate against the possibility that humans would gentrify it in the 1990s. Even in the most optimistic plausible daydream, in which some descendants of humanity still exist four billion years from now to concern themselves with the ballooning sun, they will not be anything like us; they might even be all fucked-up and gross; they can go to hell. In any case you can unpack the canned goods.

None of what's in the preceding 38 or however many exhausting paragraphs is unknown to Elon Musk, the mega-rich clod and dullard famous for buying things for more than they're worth and then making them worse, who tweeted over the weekend some silly shit about his Martian colony, ah—what even is the word here? Plan? Vision? Intention? Anyway this is a thing that he thinks must and can and will happen. He sees his SpaceX company's work as part of the endeavor to colonize Mars someday.

This doofus's birdbrained space-colony takes are important to know; that alone is a very awful and embarrassing true thing to say about the state of things. Capitalist society permits such profound inequalities of wealth and power, and the U.S. has allowed its public sector to lapse into such abysmal decay, that a guy like Musk exerts a terrible gravity on the world around him: What he is interested in seeing done, some number of other people will work on doing, because that work pays better than nearly all others. Whatever pit he wants to throw his money into, some appalling volume of the world's resources and human labors will follow it down.

Those labors will be, for the people doing it under Musk, basically suicidal. A revealing and chilling phrase in his tweets about this stuff is "the probable lifespan of consciousness"; increasing this is what Musk views as the essential bleak and hideous goal of interplanetary colonization. What percentage of the human race—or any of the non-sentient life forms—need survive to ensure the mere continuity of consciousness?

This ordering of priorities, in which the sacrosanct goal is to extend "the probable lifespan of consciousness" and space colonization the means, is above all else a monstrous permission structure for this outspoken bigot's vile social ideas, a kind of reductio ad absurdum for what's been doing business as "effective altruism" for a while now. The fantasy—and it is a fantasy—isn't one of space travel and exploration and some bright Star Trek future for humanity, but one of winnowing and eugenics, of cold actuarial lifeboat logic, of ever greater reallocation from the dwindling many to the thriving few. That's the world as Elon Musk and his cohort want it; Mars colonization is just a pretext.

In a saner society, a rich guy with Musk's well-known and unapologetically expounded views would sooner find himself under a guillotine than atop a space agency with the power to dragoon the world's resources into his k-hole John Galt cosplay. The certainty that he will never make another planet habitable is no comfort to the rest of us, when in the act of trying he may do the opposite to this one. The doomsday scenario is coming from inside the house. I hope he dies on Mars.

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Boston, MA
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The Great Luncheon Meat Disaster of '24

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This is one of the greatest things I have ever read in a press statement:

First and foremost, our investigation has identified the root cause of the contamination as a specific production process that only existed at the Jarratt facility and was used only for liverwurst. With this discovery, we have decided to permanently discontinue liverwurst.

The emphasis is in the original and it sells the paragraph. 

This comms masterpiece is from a statement released yesterday by the food company Boar’s Head, which is dealing with a crisis regarding listeria contamination of liverwurst manufactured at a facility in Virginia.

One general rule in crisis communications is that you should clearly explain the actions you will take to remediate the problem. “We have decided to permanently discontinue liverwurst.” That’s an action! This step was so important that it was the first of three remedial steps covered in that press release. The second was that they are permanently closing the facility and apparently laying off several hundred people. Naturally, that’s the headline the press went with. Still, if you’re going to bury the lede, bury it under liverwurst! 

The third step is an expert committee. Might as well play the hits.

Look, crisis PR is hard, and food crisis PR is really hard because food is about trust and what you put in your body and your childrens’ bodies. One of the roughest professional weeks of my life was working (in a relatively junior role) for a major food client impacted by the contamination of the Chinese dairy supply chain with melamine. It was some of the highest ambient stress I have ever encountered.

When it’s leafy greens being recalled for contamination people are often surprised because, you know, greens! But when it’s luncheon meat I guess it tracks. There are a lot of meat products in the FDA recall database. Meat processing seems hard. What is the “specific production process that only existed at the Jarratt facility and was used only for liverwurst?” The imagination runs wild!

I’m obsessing about this not because of any deep interest in the PR craft of this situation, but because I love liverwurst.

No, really! When I was in college I would make myself sandwiches of liverwurst and alfalfa sprouts with a generous spread of yellow mustard. Don’t judge it until you’ve tried it! I ate these sandwiches on the beach at Año Nuevo when I was surveying elephant seal pup mortality. To be honest, they don’t really hold up well to being stuffed in a backpack all day. Too much moisture. Better to go with the salami for days in the field. But the mustard helps to cover up the stench of elephant seal.

I don’t eat much liverwurst anymore. This is partly because as I got older I couldn’t make the same dietary choices. There is a point in your life when you can have (totally random example) a Slurpee, or a Charleston Chew Bar, or a Slurpee and a Charleston Chew bar. That point is when you are a teenager and you spend a lot of time hanging out in front of the 7-11 in midtown Palo Alto with your buddies, getting jacked on the worst possible snacks to prepare for endless hours of gaming on the Atari 2600. And then there is the rest of your life spent having the salad dressing on the side because adulthood is a gray and joyless desert inhabited by wandering hermits who are concerned about your prostate.

Also, I got fancier as I got older. I slid down the fatty slope from liverwurst (extruded meat product) to Braunschweiger1 (sounds German!) to rarefied patés and terrines best enjoyed on nuggets of artisan bread from craft bakeries staffed by Berkeley Hills Hobbits who grind their own flour with millstones and magic wheat imported from the Shire. It’s the same nutritional content as those sandwiches from my youth, but it feels way healthier because it has “texture” and costs 25 times as much.

Anyway, I haven’t been following the comms on the case closely, and I don’t have strong opinions one way or the other on how Boar’s Head is handling it. But the fact that liverwurst was determined to be at the center forced me to pay attention.

It’s for the best that I’m not involved in this situation. I am good at distancing myself emotionally from the crises I work on, which is important if you do this kind of work. But for liverwurst I might struggle to maintain that distance. Imagine the press conference!

Reporter: “What steps will you take to ensure this never happens again?”

Me [gripping sides of the podium, pale in the TV lights, one tear rolling down my cheek]: “We…we have decided to…permanently discontinue liverwurst.”

[Crowd gasps]

Me [openly sobbing]: “No further questions.”

The old saying is true. You really don’t want to see the sausage being made.

Support William Moss

Occasional navel-gazing from a trans-Pacific spin doctor.

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